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Count from 6 to 10: A Quick Guide to Great Pitch Decks

We’ve previously discussed how the numbers one to five can make your business pitch decks count. This was based off keynote speaker Stephen Boyd’s tips to create a presentation countdown. With our own take on it, let’s continue counting from number six to number ten.

6. Presenting after SIX o’clock P.M.

Business professionals work eight hours on a regular basis. After a long day, only a few stay later than six o’clock p.m. to polish their paperwork, web designs, pitch deck slides, and the like. After all, we want to get back to our families and our lives, right?

Deliver your pitches as if you’re doing them after six in the evening. Embody the elements of fun, involvement, and learning to keep your audience awake. Treat your audience like close friends and family you’ve been longing to see. Sustain their interest from the beginning to end, no matter how late it is.

7. Seven Means Complete

According to the Bible, the number seven has three Hebrew roots: saba, shaba and sheba. These three biblical ideas are associated with oaths, perfection, and completeness. Whether you’re delivering a pitch to a potential client or discoursing a monthly report with co-workers, your pitch deck should contain complete data.

Providing evidence supports your argument or main idea. Maximize the use of graphs and charts, statistics, and other visuals for a more comprehensive discussion. Inevitably, your audience will have questions or clarifications which you can tackle in a Q&A session. However, it pays to address all of these possible questions from the beginning to make things easier for everyone.

8. Eight for Affinity

The number eight is drawn with two interconnecting circles. Lacking one circle, either at the top or at the bottom, means you have zero. Pitches are about making connections. Your business speech is useless without an audience.

Command interest by connecting with them on a personal level. You can best engage an audience by exuding a credible aura, by appealing to their emotions, or by challenging their intellect. Building networks after your business pitch is another way to solidify your core message, and get viable results as well.

9. Nine for Anticipation

Where there’s nine, an end is anticipated — nine is followed by ten, ninety-nine makes way for one hundred, and so on. Anticipating unforeseeable circumstances in your talk is a good pitching skill. Don’t make your audience tune out because you panicked or lost your train of thought. Always be prepared for whatever can go wrong in a speaking engagement.

Planning ahead increases your chances of foreseeing or dealing with such problems.

10. Perfect Ten

There’s no denying that the number ten connotes perfection. Ten is a rounded number, which is why our counting system is based on the power of ten. We rate things with one being the lowest and ten being the highest. Striving for perfection is the best mindset for succeeding in your business pitch.

Make sure that your pitch deck design has the perfect font combo and title slide. Reinforce it with confident delivery and compelling content. Always aim for a deck that will get a perfect ten rating.

To Sum It Up

Use numbers six to ten as your guide for delivering fun, complete, engaging, planned, and perfect business pitch decks. Remember the importance of connecting to your audience, sharing complete and pertinent data, appealing to emotions, anticipating crises, and striving for perfection.

Need a pitch deck to give you an edge? Check out our portfolio for inspiration, or contact our slide design experts for a free quote.


Boyd, Stephen. “Public Speaking By Numbers.” Speaking-Tips, August 17, 2011. Accessed June 10, 2015.

Professional Pitch Deck Designers and Cost-Effective Results

PowerPoint has become a standard in today’s business communications. It’s used in any type of industry, from startups to big-scale. Although it helps convey messages, professionals tend to use this tool by following a standardized format: stagnation.

A stagnant medium means everything looks the same. Everyone starts to rely on templates, and no one stands out. While PowerPoint’s user-friendliness makes it easy to create slides for any type of pitch deck, that also makes it more susceptible to uninspired decks.

However, there are some experts in the field who are equipped with the proper skills and knowledge to pull off a stunning deck for their clients. Availing the services of these professional PowerPoint designers can help you rise above the rest. Here’s why:

Professional Slides Make You Look Good

A team of dedicated and experienced designers, copywriters, and marketing consultants give you the best pitch deck possible, ensuring you always look your best. Designs are custom-made to suit your company’s needs, while still being in line with your image and branding.

With this important responsibility off your shoulders, you can breathe easily and concentrate on your responsibilities as the presenter.

Save Time and Money

Having a professional team means you can get your slides whenever you need them.

If you’re usually in charge of making your own slides, you can instead put your efforts into something more productive. If you’re in charge of a team, you won’t have to disrupt the process or wait for a member to be free to start your deck.

Having to occasionally design pitch decks in-house disrupts an employee’s regular workflow. According to Demand Media’s George Root III well-planned task delegation is necessary for more efficient work output. This means that you need experts in the specific fields for faster, optimized work.

Outsourcing a team of professionals on standby means your people can concentrate on what they do best: working to further improve your product or service. With disturbances gone, office efficiency is boosted, saving both time and money.

Increase Returns

Nothing beats output done by experts. When you hire professional pitch deck designers, your deck’s quality will always match that of your company’s, allowing you to convert more opportunities into revenue and making your business grow.

Amazingly well-made decks ensure consistent positive feedback, maximizing returns for you and your company.


No matter how good of a presenter you are, you’ll always need a pitch deck that reflects your skill and talent, as well as those of your team and your company’s brand message.

Though they have become too standard for their own good, pitch decks are still your gateway to effective business communication. Hire a professional pitch deck designer now and make your business stand out.

Still unconvinced? Contact us now, and let our team of professional pitch deck designers change your mind.


Root, George. “Importance of Teamwork at Work.” Chron. Accessed July 24, 2015.

How Much is a Professional Pitch Deck Design Worth?

“How much will a professional pitch deck design set me back?”

We hear this question a lot. Because of the program’s user-friendliness and the misconception that substance trumps design, presenters often misuse PowerPoint and come up with slides that bore their audience to death. The presentation tool has been constantly evolving and coming up with new features to make creating a more engaging deck easier even for the most unversed users.

At the same time, the cost of investing in one expertly-made deck can reap plenty of returns. Let’s talk about what you can get for three different pricing selections, from low to high.

Budget-Friendly (USD 1,000 to USD 5,000)

A budget-friendly pitch deck design is ideal for businesses with limited funds. This affordable package fall into two categories—a simple redesign of an existing deck, or a completely new yet bare-bones deck.

You won’t get subpar quality despite its low price range. You’ll still get the best out of your content, and a fleshed out deck states your purpose and speaks for your brand. However, don’t expect a lot of flourishes, animations, or additional branding advice

A professional pitch deck design is an investment. Don’t settle for less.

If you’re ready to go to the next level, the next price point might be more appropriate for your needs.

Fine-Tuned (USD 5,000 to USD 15,000)

As most clients’ choice, it’s a versatile service that meets most business needs, big or small.

More slides cost more time and effort. The wider price range has a bigger chance of optimally meeting your pitch deck needs. Costs in this price range depend on the amount of copywriting, design, and multimedia efforts you’ll request. If you need more, you’ll get more.

Have a bigger budget than this? Let’s go above and beyond the usual pitch decks and dive into the best of the best.

All-In (USD 15,000 to USD 50,000)

This range includes multi-deck projects and large decks with more than a hundred slides. You get a lot of value with expertly-designed slides that don’t pull any creative punches while maximizing both graphical and written content.

If you’re a start-up looking to break the mold, this package provides a complete branding overhaul that exceeds a standard pitch deck’s limitations. You can also get a library of custom-designed ready-to-use slides. Get your money’s worth and more with this great investment. All it takes is one big push to get the ball rolling.

You need to spend money to make money. Talk to a pitch deck specialist and find out what best fits your need for a professional pitch deck design. Contact us now for a free quote!


How to Avoid ‘death by PowerPoint‘.” BBC News. December 18, 2015. Accessed July 27, 2015.