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Selling Your Wife with Pitch Deck: Why it Works

The universal question remains, “How do you win an argument with a woman?” 

Just like Phil and Claire Dunphy on ABC’S Emmy Award-winning show, Modern Familyit’s almost a daily struggle to prove who’s right and why. This timeless debacle has stumped husbands across the years as countless disagreements and failed persuasions have led to broken compromises.

We may believe that the common day pitch deck presentation is merely just for business lectures but the marketing and persuasive ability of pitch deck slides may actually be one of the best explanation tools. When dealing with certain difficult issues such as mapping out your financial plans for the year, a pitch deck presentation has the capability to share information in the most persuasive and simplest way possible; therefore allowing for more agreements- and fewer arguments.

1. Starting Off Your Pitch with an Attention Grabbing Quote

Just like in any persuasive essay or speech, the appeal of pathos (or emotion) when presenting your idea will catch your wife’s attention from the beginning. Your quote can also be a personalized statistic, say if you were trying to either sell or buy a substantial item or place that sums up a main purpose.

2. Utilize Visuals and Graphs

Images speak louder than words, too much text will cause anyone to lose interest fast. Using bar graphs and pie charts to explain your financial forecast or using graphics will make for any explanation to be easier and allow for more efficient points to be made. Talking numbers make for more confusion- but showing numbers allows for more information to be digested easily and this is essential in any great pitch deck presentation. 

3. Minimal Bullet Points

The simpler, the better. Bullet points are acceptable in family pitch decks and allow for direct and specific statements to be made without too much wordiness. You as the presenter are responsible for elaborating these ideas, but visually they should be presented in the simplest form.

4. Using If/Then Analogies

Creating an if/then scenario within your pitch will give you the ability to show your wife why your point is valid and using examples will assist in positioning your argument.

Convincing somebody of anything is not an easy task, and just like Phil and Claire try to make sure their points are the “correct” ones, you can utilize pitch deck to share your ideas with your spouse and explain them in the most effective way possible.

Comment below and let us know if you’ve used pitch deck to persuade your wife.